Thursday, September 9, 2010

New 9/11 Destruction Video Begs The Question: What Destroyed These Vehicles?

Recently a new video taken on 9/11/2001 has surfaced on The video shows lines of cars on a street that appear to have been destroyed by intense heat.

These images were taken from that video which I've included below. The date is 9/11/2001, before the collapse of World Trade Center 7.

The reporter says he's at "West Broadway and Barkley".

So what do you suppose caused those cars to end up like that? Are there any examples of buildings collapsing and incinerating all the vehicles around it?

This image shows the inside of a police car that was sitting on the street. As you can see the seats are entirely burnt down to practically nothing.

It's as if a huge fireball traveled down the street and incinerated everything in its path.