Sunday, August 30, 2009

Rosie O'Donnell Should Be Strung Up For Treason, Right?

Since 9/11/2001 main stream media, news and culture has attempted to squash all discussion and questioning of the official theory that Islamic Extremist were responsible for the 911 attacks.

I've begun to compile the top 10 most extreme and bizarre examples of main stream society, news and media abusing anyone who questions the official explanation that of the attacks on 9/11/2001. I've started with the two most memorable moments and will add them as I locate videos. If you have other examples, please contact me and I'll add them.

1. Bill O'Reilly Attacks 9/11 Victim's Son, Jeremy Glick, For Discussing 9/11 Attacks

Jeremy Glick, who's dad died on 9/11/2001 in NYC, schools Bill in this famous argument between O'Reilly and the young Glick. The O'Reilly Factor singled out Glick soon after 9/11/2001 because he signed an anti-war statement about the war in Afghanistan. They got him onto the show but got a little more then they bargained for.

2. "If any body had a rope thick enough, Rosie should be strung up for treason" - Danny Bonaduce with Joe Scarborough

This quote comes from a juiced-up bully named Danny Bonaducci. He was on MSNBC's Joe Scarborough talk show discussing the epic battle between Rosie O'Donnell and the main stream. In 2007 Rosie publicly questioned the official theory of 9/11/2001 by asking "What happened to WTC 7?" on her tv show 'The View'. She also publicly went against a war with Iran and told American's that US Media is pure propaganda controlled by 4 companies.

Rosie was never my favorite brand of pop-culture personality. However, today I consider her a hero. She asks the tough questions and put her reputation and job on the line. If you're interested in modern American heroes, use Google to follow the entire saga of Rosie O'Donnell when she publicly denounced the official conspiracy theory regarding 9-11 by asking about the demolition of WTC 7.

She's a hero. Look it up.

At 5:15 of this video, Danny says he thinks Rosie should be strung up for treason. And if this comment was sick a twisted enough, he ends it with a joke about Rosie's weight by saying that the hanging could only occur if someone found a rope thick enough to hold up Rosie. This monstrous quote can be found at 5:15 into this video.

3. "...this guy would be, you know, in the Charles River floating down towards the harbor." - Bill O'Reilly

During his program on 11 July, O'Reilly remarked, "This guy would have been gone at Boston University, my alma mater, in a heartbeat. The Chancellor there, John Silber, would have--would have--this guy'd be in the Charles River floating down, you know, toward the harbor."

View Video Here

4. "Stop asking me to raise this issue (WTC 7) and start asking your doctor if Paxil is right for you" Bill Maher

5. "Do we have security in this building or do I have to come over here and kick this guys ass?" and "I'll kick your ass out of here too" - Bill Maher

6. "As far as I'm concerned, you've now stepped over the line into treason, the punishment for which is death and I'm really busy so I might have to kill you right here." - Danny Bonaduce (at 4:08 in the clip below)

7. coming soon

8. coming soon

9. coming soon

10. coming soon

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Friday, August 28, 2009

And so we find the 9/11 puzzle fits together exactly

The interview discussed below was with Susan Lindauer by Michael Collins

source #1:

source #2:

"And so we find the 9/11 puzzle fits together exactly"...Or so says a "Former Accused Iraqi Agent" that "Reveals Facts about 9/11 Warning". Andy Card's second cousin apparently sat outside of the former Bush chief of staff's home just before 9/11/2001. She nervously chain smoked while waiting in her car for Andy to return home. She wanted to warn him about an impending Jihadi attack on the WTC that involved airplanes. He never showed so the nerve wracked Former Accused Iraqi Agent (???) went home.

A cardAdny Card
Image via Wikipedia

She continues with ""For those who think you've heard the whole story of 9/11, you might be surprised." Well, that is yet to remain seen Susan. Let us first take a look at this possibly explosive testimony and judge for ourselves.

It all sounds so explosive...but is it? Or is it more anti-Muslim 'blame the Islamic Muslim Fanatics' garbage being promoted by the same sources you'd expect to find promoting LIHOP non sense?

For those who don't know, LIHOP stands for Let It Happen On Purpose. This is in conflict with the idea of MIHOP, Make It Happen On Purpose. There is a huge difference and I'd suggest that my readers figuring it out the difference between LIHOP and MIHOP as a first step when investigating the 9/11 Attacks.

The interview was done by Michael Collins with Susan Lindauer. He titles it 'Former Accused Iraqi Agent Reveals Facts About 9/11'. The interview is preluded with a statement by Susan which explains why she is willing to provide facts about her teams so-called '9/11 pre-warnings'.

The article touches on many issues including the Israeli Mossad and 9/11, Lockerbie bombing suspect, a scientist whom she compares to Spock of Star-Trek, and my favorite is the so called 'CIA Handler'. She identifies her CIA handler as "Dr. Richard Fuisz (FUZE) is the most fascinating individual I have encountered in my life."

That's a tall cup to fill. I can only hope that all CIA officers make such a positive impression on the unwitting 'assets' they handle.

The story goes like this....

CIA symbol in a Belgrade apartment?Image by Limbic via Flickr

Susan is the 2nd cousin of Andy Card and an anti-war / anti-terrorism intelligence liaison to Libya and Iraq. She claims to have been part of a team including a CIA HANDLER named Dr. Richar Fuisz who had inside info about a Jihadi attack on the WTC complex. This all took place before 9/11/2001.

When asked what first sparked her interest in Airplane attacks on the WTC pre-9/11/2001, she says:

"As Dr. Fuisz used to say, terrorist groups thought that for all the mighty resources of U.S. Intelligence, the U.S. was either too stupid to catch them. Or we were afraid because the real terrorists are "too big." Either of those beliefs stood to create a huge and irresistible provocation to the younger generation of jihadis. On that basis, we drew up an extreme threat scenario that the next major attack would most likely involve airplane hijackings or airplane bombings.

That is exactly what happened by the way.

Back in the 1980s, Osama bin Laden called Ahmed Jibril "a hero" and "the greatest fighter against Israel who ever lived."

Sure enough, my own extensive sources in the Middle East have repeatedly told me that Ahmed Jibril was the true mastermind of Lockerbie. And so we find the 9/11 puzzle fits together exactly."

Susan claims that 'the 9/11 puzzle fits together exactly' and explains 'that's exactly what happened by the way'. Some how I don't feel as 'sure' about this information as Susan does. The further one reads the more this seems like more "Blame The Muslims For 9/11" hatred.

I'm going to remain open at this point but the extreme LIHOP references must be noted here. Susan is saying "The JIHADIS did 9/11 as a tribute to the greatest fighter against Israel who ever lived."

When Susan is asked if Iraq or Libya provided any pre-9/11 Intel, she says this:

"No, they did not. After the attack, it became clear that neither country could have been party to the conspiracy. Gadhaffi and bin Laden hated each other. Back in 1995, Libya was the first country in the world to warn Interpol about Osama, and urge an international warrant for his arrest. Saddam's government hated him, too. Baghdad considered Osama's extreme brand of Sunni fundamentalism to pose a serious destabilizing threat to Iraq 's moderate Sunni elite. Osama was a wrecking ball to Arab governments. They all despised him"

Again I have to point out the extreme LIHOP reference in this paragraph. She again suggest that Bin Laden is the source of the 9/11/2001 attacks. At this point I'm really concerned that this article is far to LHIOP to be taken seriously. But let's continue with an open mind. She eventually get's to the part where her CIA Handler apparently identifies Israeli Mossad agents.

Next Susan is asked who she warned of the impending Jihadi attack on NYC using Airplanes. She says:

"By early August, 2001, our team was gravely concerned that an attack was "imminent."

When Robert Mueller was nominated to be Director of the FBI, we dallied with going to his confirmation hearings to put a buzz in the ears of congressional staffers about our fears.

Instead, Dr. Fuisz instructed me to telephone U. S. Attorney General John Ashcroft's office.

In mid-August, I phoned the staff of his private office at the Justice Department, which probably consists of about 20 people. Identifying myself as an asset covering Libya and Iraq , I made a formal request that his private office issue an emergency alert throughout the department for any fragment of intelligence pertaining to possible airplane hijackings or airplane bombings. I explained that we expected a major attack involving that scenario, and we urgently needed cooperation from all other agencies.

Ashcroft's office told me to contact the Office of Counter-Terrorism at the Justice Department, and repeat what I had just told them. I did so immediately."

Susan claims that she contacted a few agencies with concerns that Jihadis were going to launch a tribute attack on the United States using Airplanes in NYC. But that's not all. When Collins asks her what happened after she warned the agencies, she says. "I didn't stop there". Enter 2nd-cousin Andy Card.

"I didn't stop there. Most Americans would be stunned to know that in mid-August, 2001, our team was so convinced a 9/11 style attack was imminent that I visited my second cousin, Andy Card at his house in Arlington, Virginia, so that we could warn him.

I parked on the street and waited in my car, chain smoking for almost two hours. Occasionally, I could see neighbors peering out of their windows. In my head, I rehearsed what I would tell the police if they showed up to investigate this strange car parked outside the house of the Chief of Staff to the President of the United States .

Unhappily, he did not return home, and I finally left without sharing our fears.

Driving away, I remember feeling that I was making the greatest mistake of my life. Throughout all these years, it is one of my few regrets."

This story sounds like disinformation to me.

First of all, if Andy is your second cousin then why would you need to sit in your car smoking like a nervous wreck? Why not just go knock on the door. Or better yet, call your second cousin and ask him if you can talk to him about an impending Jihadi attack that the CIA has informed you of? Or maybe just ask him to tea and inform him of the Jihadi attack once you meet with him.

I do not believe a CIA handled asset who conducts meetings with Libyan and Iraqi officials on anti-war and anti-terror matters can't find a way to meet with her 2nd cousin over an impending terrorist attack on the World Trade Center by Jihadis?

This story is bizarre and reminds me of the insane narrative presented by Sander Hicks called The Graham Report. With this bizarre Graham Report, Sander Hicks implies that Dr. Graham was killed because of his pre-9/11 intelligence that identified a few 9/11 hijackers. The intelligence that Graham had amounts to nothing more then a guy who saw Muslim names on cardboard boxes, or so he says. The Graham Report is beyond ridiculous and must be read in it's entirety to really get a feel for how badly this stuff is put together. One has to wonder "What the hell is Sander Hicks doing promoting obvious non sense like The Graham Report?"

Earlier in this interview Susan ends a paragraph with the statement below but does not come back to explain it until later. Here is the initial reference to her CIA Handler's source to information pertaining to impending Jihadi attacks on the WTC:

"...even before the 9/11 attack, I deduced that Dr. Fuisz's advance intelligence was derived from an entirely different source. It just happened to be one I had not expected."

I imagine you (my readers) are asking yourself the same question I'm asking myself. Who was the source? Well let's find out!

"Dr. Fuisz never formally revealed his source to me. But within about 30 minutes after airplanes struck the Twin Towers , he blurted something to me over the phone.

He told me the Israeli Mossad had advance warning about the attack. As I recall, he said it before the buildings collapsed.

He asked me if I thought it was "an accident that a man and woman happened to be waiting on the sidewalk with a video camera, ready to record the attack." He was highly agitated. He challenged me "how often a bystander has a camera cued up to record a car accident?"

Then he said, "Those are Israeli agents. It's not an accident. They knew this attack was coming. And they were waiting for it."

I was outraged and shocked by the images on the television. I shot back something to the effect of, "You mean, we've been looking for an attack all this time! And the Israelis knew about it? And they didn't tell us?" In retrospect, outside the passion of that particular moment, the Israelis may have told us much more than Richard Fuisz may have known.

Immediately the phone line cut dead between us.

I called him right back. Very calmly, he said, "Susan, we must never talk about that again."

There's a couple more details regarding this Mossad team with the video camera. Dr. Fuisz was able to announce their identities before the media publicized who they are. The attack was so new when he said it, that it seemed to me that he already knew about them.

I could be wrong. But I don't think so."

I know. I'm as disappointed as you are. The super-source that Jihadis were going to use planes to bomb the WTC is not really provided but might be implied. Yes, the Israeli Mossad was tracking the alleged 9/11 Hijackers and provided the US with all the evidence and information needed to identify the hijackers.

What I find most interesting is that Susan, a government and intelligence insider who is helping CIA, never once consider that maybe the Israelis knew about it because they helped plan the attack. Maybe the Israelis were invovled with the attacks Susan? Geez...this stuff just comes to me.

Does Michael Piper or Susan know that an alleged Israeli spy was arrested in Lebanon who just happens to be the Uncle of one of the fanatic Jihadis who allegedly hijacked 4 planes and crashed 2 of them into 2 skyscrapers and demolished 3 skyscrapers?

And at the end of the day, we want to know who wired the World Trade Center for demolition Susan. We know Jihadis were patsies. We know those 3 skyscrapers didn't come down because of the alleged 'hijackers'. You're going to have to do much better then this.

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Friday, August 21, 2009

American Assasination Squad Strikes Again

Both logos, side by side. Note the original be...Image via Wikipedia

It seems like targeted assassinations and hit squads are all the rave these days. Not to long ago Seymour Hersh told us about Dick Cheney's alleged Executive Assassination Squad. Then, just the other day I read this story which says that the CIA contracted their hit squad duties out Black Water, a US company and mercenary provider. Blackwater USA now goes by the name of XE because of numerous murderous scandals involving the company, it's mercenary employees, and it's executives.

Also, the CEO and founder of the company was recently accused guessed it... ordering hits on two Blackwater employees who were working with the feds to expose Blackwater and it's founder as murderous thugs on a crusade against Muslims. These accusations come from two anonymous ex-employees involved with a civil suit against Blackwater for murdering Iraqis.

Maybe the stories above are true. Maybe not. At the end of the day, Eric Prince of Blackwater is innocent until proven guilty of a crime. Cheney's hit squad is just an alleged hit squad. The CIA outsourcing of it's hit squad duties to Blackwater claims the plan never went operational.

But what about real assassination hit squads?

While we bicker about alleged hit-squads of the past, the United States government seems to be operating a real hit squad right now.

Last week The Real 9/11 Truth asked it's readers: Are you a fan of targeted assassinations? If you answered "yes, I love the idea of secret death squads taking out evil Muslims", then you probably were tickled to wake up this morning to the murder of 11 people in Pakistan.

The American Hit Squad is at it again.

US Assassination Squad Strikes Again (Friday August 12, 2009)

"The U.S. occasionally fired missiles into the region beginning in 2006, but dramatically stepped up the attacks last year.

The strikes have targeted militants behind surging attacks in Pakistan, those blamed for violence in Afghanistan, and Al Qaeda and other foreign terrorists allegedly using the area to plot or train for terrorist attacks around the world

Isn't that swell? The US is dropping bombs on villages of 'terrorists' in other countries. Apparently, this is acceptable to many Americans. Are most Americans fans of Assassination Hit Squads run by the government?

The Monstrous Lie Of 9/11/2001 Allows Americans To Overlook These Hit Squads Run By The US Government

Because Americans continue to deny that the 9/11/2001 attacks were blamed on Muslims, they are able to accept and silently endorse US run assassination squads that routinely take out so-called Muslim extremist.

Assassinations Are Wrong...Duh!

I never would have imagined that I'd be trying to convince my family and friends that government run assassination hit squads were wrong. But in this post-9/11 world it seems these things get overlooked. Muslims and Arabs have been dehumanized to the point that Americans are willing to accept that it's government operates assassination hit squads in foreign countries.

Stop Assassination Hit Sqauds By Considering 9/11 Truth

I don't believe that Americans support or embrace murderous assassination hit squads. I don't believe that Americans are racist towards Muslims and Arabs.

Don't Be Afraid Of Ridicule

{{Potd/2006-09-11 (en)}}Image via Wikipedia

I believe that Americans are afraid to even discuss the fact that Muslims and Arabs were blamed for the 9/11/2001 attacks. Americans are afraid of being labeled a 'conspiracy theorist' or a 'nut case'. The risk of ridicule seems to be to great and so we just sit back and allow our government to do things like operate assassination hit squads.

It's time to consider the real truth about 9/11/2001. It's time for all people to incorporate 9/11 Truth into your daily diet of news, discussion and activism.

It's time to stop blaming Muslims and Arabs for 9/11 and stop the hit squads.
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Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Are you a fan of targeted assassinations?

America, friends and family: it's time to consider 9/11 Truth. It's time to stop blaming Muslims. It's time to stop turning a blind eye on a monstrous lie that has lead us down a very dark path and continues because we allow it to continue.

Are you a fan of things like targeted assassinations and mass killings in the name of 9/11/2001?

The exaggerated threat of Islamic Extremism has been used to destroy hundreds of thousands of lives in wars that we all know were illegal and absolute crimes against humanity. Considering 9/11 Truth RIGHT NOW, with all it's ramifications and life changing realizations, is the only way to stop this bizarre madness that has taken a grip on this country.

Consider this...

Today the wife of a "Taliban chief" in Pakistan was murdered by another apparent US drone missile strike. No trial, no judge and no jury. Just silence, an un-manned aerial drone floating overhead...and mom and 4 kids maybe watching some TV.

Here's a link to the story

Place yourself in this mother's shoes. Or maybe you're a father? Imagine you're going about your daily activities just before the assassination bombing commenced. Are you there? Can you see how incredibly insane this situation has become?

I don't know about you but I find targeted assassinations very disturbing. And at the end of the day it is the attacks on 9/11/2001 and the lie about Muslim responsibility that have allowed these types of assassinations to take place. They will continue unless this country demands 9/11 Truth.

This is a call to action. Get involved. I have no idea what you need to do to get involved. That's up to you. But the very least...start with this:


This is it. If 9/11 Truth does not take hold then I'm afraid hundreds of thousands may die because of this lie and history will not look back kindly on us. We can fix this.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Revisting Some Israeli Links To 9/11

Much time has been spent by the criminal US Government to blame the attacks on 9/11/2001 on this exaggerated threat of 'Extremist Islam'. Like wise, the fake 9/11 Truth Movement seems just as hell bent on re-enforcing this and rabidly blaming fanatical "Muslims" for the attacks on 9/11. With spotty evidence to support the case, both of these camps ignore or downplay potentially ground-breaking information that could point to the true criminals that planned and executed the attacks on 9/11/2001.

This is dangerous policy. It's dangerous to 9/11 Truth, dangerous to Muslims, dangerous anti-war activists...for everyone.

As much as I'd like to believe in the simplistic "Fanatical Islamic Hijackers With Box Cutters" doesn't cut it. Someone literally wired 3 buildings for demolition and carried out the operation on 9/11/2001. When we consider that three buildings were wired and then demolished on 9/11/2001, the hijackers aka 'Islamic Fanatics With Box Cutters Theory' can be seen for what it is, a distraction. This theme was created to deliberately shift away focus from the true criminals behind the 9/11/2001 attacks.

Patsies. It's not a new concept. Commit a crime and blame it on someone else.

But websites like and other 911 Truth sites seem hell bent on helping the US Government re-enforce this dangerous conspiracy theory about fanatical Muslim Hijackers. At the same time, both camps seem to totally ignore or down play absolutely spectacular leads that point to a state sponsor of the attacks on 9/11/2001.

So, considering how patsies are used to shift blame, lets forget those evil Muslim hijackers for a minute. Lets assume a state was responsible for the events on 9/11 and it wasn't the work of Extremist Islam.

Is there any evidence to suggest the 9/11 attacks were sponsored by a specific state? Pakistan? Iran? Iraq? Israel?

We've heard the case against Pakistan. Jon Gold at routinely presents the case against Pakistan. IMO, there is no case against Pakistan and Jon Gold has failed to produce any verifiable or credible evidence to support the theory that the Pakistani General of the ISI wired these alleged hijackers money. Even if Gold was able to confirm this, there is still a huge hurdle which is showing how the money was used to wire the wtc complex...errrr...i mean hijack planes with box cutters.

Below I've compiled some excerpts from news articles that give the impression that Israel had a network of spies working within the United States on and before 9/11. In short, on 9/11 5 Israelis were arrested in NJ while watching the towers burn. Some of these were allegedly members of the Israeli military. There is also the peculiar case of Ali Jarrah, the cousin of one of the alleged 9/11 hijackers, Ziad Jarrah. Ali Jarrah was arrested in Lebanon in 2008 and is now awaiting trial for allegedly spying on Lebanon for Israel.

As you read these few segments and consider the implications, you should also remember how conveniently the evidence against 'Muslims' was in place on 9/11/2001. Remember how Arabic flight manuals were conviently found in a rental car?

Is the case against Israel a case of planted evidence? Maybe, just like Muslims were blamed, someone is trying to blame Israel for the attacks on 9/11/2001? It seems just a little hard to believe that 5 Israeli spies would decide to dress up as Arabs on 9/11, set up a video camera, and start celebrating in the street next to the towers. But apparently they did.

The Israelis Arrested And Detained On 9/11/2001
The Sunday Herold 2003

"Five Israelis were seen filming as jet liners ploughed into the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001 ..."

"As the World Trade Centre burned and crumpled, the five men celebrated and filmed the worst atrocity ever committed on American soil as it played out before their eyes."

"They were Israelis - and at least two of them were Israeli intelligence agents, working for Mossad, the equivalent of MI6 or the CIA."

"They seemed to be taking a movie. They were like happy, you know ... they didn't look shocked to me. I thought it was strange."

"Paul Kurzberg refused to take a lie detector test for 10 weeks, but then failed it. His lawyer said he was reluctant to take the test as he had once worked for Israeli intelligence in another country."

"...there is more than a little circumstantial evidence to show that Mossad - whose motto is "By way of deception, thou shalt do war" - was spying on Arab extremists in the USA and may have known that September 11 was in the offing, yet decided to withhold vital information from their American counterparts which could have prevented the terror attacks."

"Certainly, it seems, Israel was spying within the borders of the United States and it is equally certain that the targets were Islamic extremists probably linked to September 11."

Israeli Spy Brothers Arrested In Lebanon - 2/18/2009

"Mr. Jarrah’s arrest has shed a rare light onto a world of spying and subversion that usually persists in secret."

"To friends and neighbors, he was an earnest supporter of the Palestinian cause, an affable, white-haired family man who worked as an administrator at a nearby school."

"To Israel, he appears to have been a valued spy, sending reports and taking clandestine photographs of Palestinian groups and Hezbollah since 1983"

"...along with his brother Yusuf, who is accused of helping him spy — and he awaits trial by a military court"

"Mr. Jarrah has said he was recruited in 1983 — a year after Israel began a major invasion of Lebanon — by Israeli officers who had imprisoned him, according to investigators."

"It is not the family’s first brush with notoriety. One of Mr. Jarrah’s cousins, Ziad al-Jarrah, was among the 19 hijackers who carried out the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, though the men were 20 years apart in age and do not appear to have known each other well."

Israeli Spy Brothers Cousin Was An Alleged 9/11 Terrorist Pilot

"When he was seven years old, Israel invaded southern Lebanon, a fact he referred to later in life"

"In late 1999, Jarrah, Mohamed Atta, Marwan al-Shehhi, Said Bahaji, and Ramzi Binalshibh decided to travel to Chechnya to fight Russian soldiers. Khalid al-Masri and Mohamedou Ould Slahi convinced them at the last minute to travel instead to Afghanistan to meet with Osama bin Laden and train for terrorist attacks. They were told they were on a highly secret mission, and were instructed to return to Germany and enroll in flight school. In October 1999, Ziad Jarrah was filmed at Said Bahaji’s wedding with other 9/11 hijackers, including Marwan al-Shehhi."

"Jarrah reported his passport stolen in February 2000 and received a duplicate, just as hijackers Atta and al-Shehhi had done the previous month."

"He then traveled to Florida, where he enrolled full-time at the Florida Flight Training Center in Venice."

"A month after the hijackings, U.S. authorities also discovered a letter written by Jarrah to his girlfriend in Germany and postmarked September 10. In the letter -- which was mistakenly addressed and returned to the United States, where authorities found it -- Jarrah told his girlfriend he had done his duty.

Israeli Spy Ring Tracking Alleged 9/11 Terrorists
Wednesday, 2 October, 2002

"The paper has uncovered details of a major Israeli spy ring involving some a 120 agents for the intelligence service Mossad operating across America and some masquerading as arts students.

"The ring was reportedly hard on the heels of at least four members of the hijack gang, including its leader Mohammed Atta"

"the Israeli agents were detected by their American counterparts and thrown out of the country, it says.

The US authorities said then that they were students whose visas had expired"

"Just a month before the deadly attacks, the paper said, Mossad handed over to the Americans a detailed report naming several suspects they believe were preparing an attack on the United States.

But it contained no specific indications as to the objective and it was not treated seriously."

Foreign Intelligence Agency Involved In 9/11

"A senior military officer told me that because of the visas and other documentation needed to infiltrate team members into the United States a major foreign intelligence service might also have been involved."

"Many of the investigators believe that some of the initial clues that were uncovered about the terrorists’ identities and preparations, such as flight manuals, were meant to be found. A former high-level intelligence official told me, “Whatever trail was left was left deliberately—for the F.B.I. to chase.”

Israeli Military Officials Arrested/Detained In The USA After 9/11 Attacks (2001/2002)
In November, 2001, Fox News aired this four part series. Tthey said 60 Israeli spies were arrested in connection with the 9/11 attack.
Fox News - 4 part series on Massive Israeli Spy Ring

"Since September 11 over 60 Israelis have been either arrested or detained"

"A handful of active Israeli military were among those detained"

"Some of the detainees also failed polygraph"

"...event prior to September 11 over 140 other Israelis had been detained or arrested

"...they may have gathered information about the attacks and not shared it"
"Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I can not tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It is classified information"

Israeli Spies Helped Thwart 911 Investigation?

" Israeli based private communications company for whom a half dozen of those 60 detained suspects worked....

"information from this firm may have fallen in the wrong hands and had the affect of impeding the September 11th terror inquiries.

"...some American terrororism investigators fear certain suspects in the September 11 attacks may have manage to stay ahead of them by knowing who and when investigators were calling on the telephone"

Israeli Sayeret Matkal Officer Killed On 9/11/2009 On Flight 11

"Lewin was born in Denver, Colorado and raised in Jerusalem. He served for four years in the Israel Defence Forces as an officer in Sayeret Matkal, an elite and secretive unit."

"According to the FAA, Lewin was seated in business class in seat 9B, close to hijackers Mohammed Atta and Satam al Suqami (who was possibly seated behind him)."

(Sayeret_Matkal - Secret Israeli Military Unit
"Members of the unit were trained by Bedouin trackers on the finer points of looking and thinking like an Arab."